Tuesday, July 5, 2011

InJustice for Caylee Anthony

I found out today the Juror's in the Casey Anthony case found her innocent of murdering her daughter, It is so clear she is actually guilty of this action, also because of her strange behavor after her daughter's killing partying for 30 days and haveng the body in the trunk of her car, what were the jurors thinking?? obvoiusly they were not thinking, if they were they would have sent this child killer to jail where she belongs, Many feel as I do, that she needs to be sterilized so that she never has another child again to kill, I am appalled, disgusted and outraged at this verdict....I makes me very angry that this mentally unstable woman got away with murdering her toddler, I pray no children will ever be born to her again.

The juror's are as sick as she is. People like this need to be put behind bars, what a travisty this is in our country where it should be the guilty pay for thier crimes now it's the guilty get off scott free.... that is what is fucked up in America!!

all comments will be removed, as I said I did not want to hear from anyone, this is my place to speak true and post what I feel is write or wrong in this world